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National Good Templar

Maltese Cross
What is IOGT?  

IOGT-USA is an organization of men and women of all ages who promote the ideals of temperance, peace and brotherhood. IOGT (International Organization of Good Templars) is the largest international non-governmental organization working in the field of temperance. It is a voluntary, democratic organization based on the work of committed lay people. IOGT promotes cultural and educational activities for the benefit of all.

Why IOGT?  

More and more people realize that the use of alcohol is a major cause of accidents, interpersonal violence, family disruption and immorality.  These social consequences are largely dependent upon the overall level of alcohol consumption in any society. IOGT advocates a variety of strategies to deal with alcohol use.  These include general education programs, alcohol-free cultural and social alternatives. The main feature of IOGT is that it provides an alcohol-free environment for its members.

In a rapidly changing world, the efforts to care for those affected by alcohol related problems and to provide positive alternative lifestyles must continue to be given a very high priority. Fortunately, international agencies, governments and non-governmental organizations are beginning to recognize the alcohol problem. Rather than rendering IOGT and other similar organizations obsolete, this development has emphasized the importance of voluntary efforts in reducing the harm from alcohol use.

Fact of the Day:
Sixty percent of college women who have acquired sexually transmitted diseases (including AIDS) were under the influence of alcohol at the time they had intercourse.

IOGT was one of the first organizations that had no distinction between race, color, creed or sex.

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The "IOGT Globe" is a Registered Trademark of the National Council of IOGT-USA