It was added because of transgressions, having been ordained through angels by the agency of a mediator, until the seed would come to whom the promise had been made. You never know whats gonna happen! 33 THIS IS THE COVENANT I WILL MAKE WITH THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL after that time, declares the Lord. Thank you ! This is all youre getting from me. Thought my time was up (re other post where I thought Id run out of time) but I did get a few minutes more.. Galatians was my go-to place of revelation and helping others see the light for a few decades. Loving your neighbor: Also done by keeping the Torah. 24 For if you were cut out of what is by nature a wild olive tree and grafted, contrary to nature, into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these natural branches be grafted back into their own olive tree! But whoever obeys them and so teaches will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. I too am a fellow runner in this race and have struggles and weaknesses like you. The driving force behind trade reforms of the 1980s/90s was not Washington DC or Geneva. The NC fulfills the promise to Moses and the priesthood for a perpetual priesthood through the spiritual line of the greater Mrelchizedik Priesthood! For I myself am a son of Israel, from the seed of Avraham,[a] of the tribe of Binyamin. I cannot say when I will get to your suggested read on Galations, but Ill work that way. I want to thank you for your bravery on addressing this strange movement and their strange, and potentially dangerous ideas, that I personally find to be devoid of Christianity (think Flannery OConnors idea of the Church of God without Christ). This sort of thing happens when people who may know what individual words in another language mean BUT do not know or understand the idiomatic expressions of the culture they are translatingn words about and instead they ended up using word-for-word text translation instead of translating the MEANING of the idiomatic expression. Defraud your neighbor? You know it, but youre addicted to softness. Once we are aligned with Jesus commandments, the test of good fruit seems to be 1) obedience to His commandments, 2) abiding in His love, 3) making disciples & baptizing them, and 4) teaching them. Fifth, I advise that safe-conduct on the highways be abolished completely for the Jews. Apostle Paul even wrote that the Torah is spirit. Do you see the synonyms? Typical example. 13, A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. The fact is, thanks to Jesus, those who trust in Him for their salvation are grafted INTO the Commonwealth of Israel (again, see Pauls explanation in Romans 11) and as Israel, we should be following what God outlined FOR Israel. Test Everything. Once the sin was revealed by the Law, it shows/proves our need for a Savior. We are NOT under the LAW. If this is not a move of YHWH it will die out and come to naught but if it is of YHWH you will find yourself fighting against the one who you claim to worship. Looking forward to your take on the book. He said he teaches what the Father taught. These other ministers of the Gospel are very quick to show their true nature in the way they present themselves just like a wolf venomously biting and ripping into the flesh of other believers. Lust after his wife? "Further, an end time prophet can come along with new revelation, filling in needed details missing from the Bible to finally solve the riddle of what does the 7 sabbath year begin again according to Israel? We are all saved by grace through faith in Jesus i.e., God incarnate. Ive noticed the same thing and have blogged on it. Leah, stay strong! If you know that he is righteous, you know that every one that does righteousness is born of him.. And thank Him for sending his Son to give me that precious gift of grace that I might not sin again! Theres no denying that with over 30,000 Christian denominations. Just a heads up for you Leah Tovia Singer is an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi (Outreach Judaism.). Sean, what do you think of this teaching? All of these answers are NO. "DAVIDA MAN AFTER MY OWN HEART, WHO WILL DO ALL MY WILL". I didnt come to destroy them, but to fulfill them, because I tell all of you with certainty that until heaven and earth disappear, not one letter or one stroke of a letter will disappear from the Law until everything has been accomplished. I could go on and on, but their is no need for me to do that, you have access to scripture.. PS: Yahusha is NOT Yahuah in the flesh. 1 Cor. Hmmm. I shared with him that this was happening all over the world, according to many witnesses who have come to us. I start by praying for protection and then ask for wisdom and for the truth to be clear. Horrible analogy. The prodigal son! Thank Rome for that. Why does Gods word say Ruach Elohim rather than simply Elohim? You seemingly dismiss the Hebrew word ruach (Strongs Hebrew #7307) as only meaning breath. Yes, it is translated breath about 27 times in the word of God. Beginning in Genesis and culminating in Revelation, why do so many believers fail to see Yeshua is literally woven into every word of Scripture and that the Law and Prophets is the only Scripture Yeshua and the Apostles taught, preached, and practiced? To do what he taught that he said were the ways of his Father. We believe our Messiah (Jesus/Yeshua) taught the Torah and obeyed it perfectly. But the point needs to be made that parts of Christianty are indeed keeping much of Gods law I mean, why tithe if youre not supposed to keep THAT law? It is my belief that they are presenting a different gospel. Hi Pete. At best some think going to church is the way but their hearts are far from God. Tovia will debate with anyone, any Christian pastor except Dr Brown. Otherwise, you too will be cut off! Either Gods word is true or it isnt. First, Satan is the great deceiver who loves to take Gods Word and slightly warp it to create his lies. Recently made aware of 911 Ministries. I appreciate that 119 Ministries provides transcripts. The point is that the Word of God, which includes the Torah, is unchanging from the The only Scriptures possible at that time was the Tanakh (OT) as the NT was not even in existence yet. Because 119 Ministries wants to emphasize that Jesus Christ taught the Torah (law of Moses = law of God) and then tie that into the Great Commission (Mt. And then you wonder why so many Christians fall prey to the Gospel of prosperity and the false promises of material riches beyond belief. Thanks for the suggestion. When the Ruach came upon me. What authority do you have over them in this matter? Because the vast majority is quite clear. In vs. 21 hes talking about the law of Christ. As in the rest of the entire New Testament, there is NO direct teaching of old covenant keeping here. Yes Brother, Freedom in Christ means we are free from the law of sin and death through Christ, not the Law of Moses, which through Christ we are still commanded to try and keep. . Here we see that after salvation that we are to DO righteousness which is obeying the commandments of God. I believe Christ is risen from the dead and on the right hand of the Father so again no need to keep learning that year after year . And while your comparison of Sunday worship and Mithraism is very good it detracts from my main point. If we look at the Hebrew word for this phrase for ever and the word perpetual its the same word; its strongs H5769 which is owlam which means with no beginning or end, everlasting, continuous existence, perpetual, IOW for eternity. Peter summarizes Paul with his last recorded words: . For others, they are family, friends, or acquaintances. So I have had to resort to mostly praying. When you lose or change something that significant in your life, we all go through a grieving process. Your email address will not be published. If Christianity is the way, why are over 2/3 of believers walking away from God and why is divorce higher in Church than the world? I hope it is received of this is why I believe I am correct. Jesus didnt teach anything different than what God already implement other than showing and living that Gods ways were ENOUGH and that the extra laws added by certain rabbinical leaders (one group of Pharisees) were a burden to the people their vain traditions Jesus chastised them for. All 119 is trying to do is truly, unbiasedly challenge believers in Yeshua to test and prove what they believe. Once you get past the double negatives and indirect language, the concluding statement contradicts itself, contradicts statements earlier in the text, and contradicts the title. First the definition of cult is this A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader. I have honestly not kept them. No agreed with what they said make them wrong maybe you disagree with some teaching this why you dont agree with them an you comments of they wrong or you wrong we will find out when our father in heaven send our Lord yashua.ww will know whos is the true. 6 See, it is written before me; I will not be silent until I repay them; I will repay them to the full, 7 your own crimes and those of your ancestors together, says ADONAI. Contrary to popular belief, I dont hate anyone. If you truly believed what you think Paul says is the true interpretation then you would leave them alone and not place your uneducated judgment upon them, if they do this unto God then it is unto God according to popular Christian dogma. I was not attacking you personally with no facts on the arguments ( ad hominem). Jacob buried Rachel and Israel stood up from the grave. I do not believe the torah which Abraham obeyed and kept in Genesis 26:5 is the same unchanging torah written finally written for Moses. There just is no room for love in the 119 teachings. That he expects us to live accordingly to his Teachings. 1st Hour.mp3 Sometimes when I talk to him, I feel like Im banging my head up against a wall; so it was so great to know that Im not alone. This verse in its twisted form, became one of the crown jewels of a lawless version of Christianity which incorrectly teaches that it is the Torah itself that is decaying and is near to disappearing, but nothing could be farther from the truth. I dont work I just talk about Jesus to strangers on the street My late father, a wise man, often quoted a saying: Better to say nothing and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.. If the first covenant was given to Jews, then how can the new covenant (actually renewed covenant) be given to Christians when it was never given to Christians in the first place? -Romans 10:3-13. Come and walk around the east coast city I live in with me and you will SEE how an experiential walk with the living new covenant Torah is like. You along with others seem to make this a salvific argument time and time again. Thank you for your comments. Im ex Metodist, ex Southern Baptist, have read 20+ books on Hebrew Roots, listened to most 119 teachings and led my family out of the church. Where do and how should I start in responding to them. One man abstains from eating meat (only eating vegetables) and another eats meat. So if any of you are inclined to believe otherwise, then you and I are definitely serving a different god. This stranger came up to me and she explained that she could feel Gods presence all over me It was beautiful as we spontaneously entered into a fabulous fellowship! We are indwelled by the Spirit in order to follow God. Jesus Himself holds the keys to death and hades.Read Isa. Create a free website or blog at This post is my last commentary on the matter > one cannot FULLY understand the Jewish Messiah and His Jewish disciples / apostles without first understanding the original Hebrew Bible / Jewish Scriptures **properly**. Perhaps a study of what happened to the northern kingdom of Israel is in order to understand how profound this mixing is (hint: God divorced them for their spiritual adultery.) Wake up and read the Word with the TRUE discernment of the Holy Spirit!! I believe in God the Father, God the Son, and the Spirit of God (Holy Spirit). I, like the Bible prophets of old, am serving the God of Israel, the God of my Hebrew ancestors, while many of you run the risk of being deceived into serving the god of the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church; a political organization which claims to have the power to add to and subtract from the Holy Scriptures, much like the scribes and the Pharisees of Yeshuas day with their Traditions of the Elders. It like Tiberian Hebrew are forms of this ancient language family with vowel pointing. who is behind 119 ministries. I hope I at least give some things to consider, I know this is brief and I entire position is not in the spirit of I am right you are wrong. Praise God for that awesome gift! What is the context of that again? I do believe that it is a misunderstanding of the Apostle Paul that Gods Eternal Law is abolished. If we think we can do it better than Yahweh originally articulated rules for life, then we are foolish at best. Naturally me and that child have a closer relationship because they show their love by showing their obedience. Lip service is worthless if Im not willing to back it up by being a doer of the Word and not just a hearer of the Word. May the hand of YHVH keep us safe! 119 Ministries is extremely active on social media and the internet, with smartphone apps and an extensive library of online teachings. I trust you will accept my comments with the same love in which they are being given. It is all about Jesus living His life through us, as we trust and obey Him. The followers of 119 ministries dont live in unconventional manners, they dont live with an authoritarian leader. Yet, its also hypocritical for you to condemn people who worship on Saturday. This revelation is crucial for a relationship with our Messiah, good and great Chief Shepard. Telling them theyre in a cult is NOT going to help by the way thats just stirring the pot. not on tablets of stone, not with ink, not of the letter. 12 But to as many as did receive him, to those who put their trust in his person and power, he gave the right to become children of God, 13 not because of bloodline, physical impulse or human intention, but because of God. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 30 For the One we know is the One who said, 23 Then Yeshua addressed the crowds and his talmidim (disciples): 2 The Torah-teachers (scribes) and the Prushim (Pharisees), he said, sit in the seat of Moshe. Naturally everyone is entitled to their opinion. The kind of detail that no atheist can claim is coincidental and also cant claim was stolen from the pagan traditions like Christmas and Easter. Im currently composing another article in response to your earlier question about did Jesus lie in Matthew 5:17-19. He slaughtered so many people. Once found, why do away with it? and the darkness has not suppressed it. We live in relationship with God and seek to become like Jesus. That is what fulfilling it means. Evelyn, out of Jesus own mouth, he said he died for everyone & that ANYONE who believes will be saved. Jesus predicted that he will tell many sincere believers to basically "get lost" instead of welcoming them into the Kingdom. Turn to the Bread of life Himself and He will fill you with His Holy Soirit of grace!!!! Peter was such a dear saint ..he had humility when Paul called him out. Jews have ALWAYS been part of Israel! Certainly, Abraham followed Gods instruction per His covenant to circumcise all males. I feel this is not right. Does that change the truth about the gospel and the Church? Nobody has it 100% right yet. Remember what God said in Jeremiah 31:33? Because after all we can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us right? So why then, would 119 Ministries be deceiving people, if theyre trying to help people follow the Bible better? The people wouldnt visit his body because it was the Sabbath. Thats just what I interpreted from your post. LOL Sabbath is the 7th day. Here is the patience of the saints: here [are] they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.. I did not mean to presume anything from your writings. There is no separate one for Jew and Christian. Were talking about our Bridegroom who will return for us one day. We are told to FOLLOW HIM! The Word Nephilim = to fall, lie, be cast down, fail It seems to me that the groups most opposed to this ministry are the ones that remind me of the Pharisees, afraid of losing control, placing a lot of man made rules and the tradition of elders on people. The irony is rich! Thanks for sharing! Ministries like Passion for Truth and 119 Ministries are Christ-Like in the humble approach and is evident and can be seen in the fruit they bare. You sound arrogant and demeaning all at the same time in your above speech and I take issue with it. We believe our Messiah (Jesus/Yeshua) taught the Torah and obeyed it perfectly. Jesus LOVES you VERY VERY much for God so loved the world .. Amein to that Sharon.. (Job 12:12), Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as afather; and the younger men as brethren (1 Timothy 5:1). Jesus Christ gave us a new covenant based on YHVHs grace, and he gave new instructions (torah). Without that, the traditional and largely Catholic and anti-semitic interpretation of the NT falls short in accuracy. Its a battle for sure. The truth as presented by the whole word of God, Genesis-Revelation, the fallacy of needing to follow the law under the new covenant, and illogical hugeness of Gods grace. -Philippians 3:9, 3 For not knowing about Gods righteousness and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God. in your attempt to fit me into a nice box in your mind. For they have no business in the countryside We are no longer under the Law now that Jesus has come. to complete This is the spiritual fulfillment of the NC as Jesus did indeed fulfill the Torah. Do yourselves a favor and stop being lazy believers, wanting everything handed to you on a silver platter. Obviously the oral system was not a sustainable solution, Who has deceived you? As for 119 being harsh, judgmental, or unloving; I disagree with you. WHEN has fulfilled ever been a synonym for abolished? If we were in Jerusalem, right now, during the birth of the 1st century Messianic Community, I would drag you before the apostles and ask them to hear my charges against you. Alas, they are too wrapped up in tickling ears and keeping traditions and arguing over which denomination or belief patterns got it right and trying to keep the masses happy. and the Word was with God, Given the large number of Christian denominations with their conflicting doctrines it is evident to me that it is next to impossible for anyone to really understand what the truth is. All the nations will come to the mountain of the Lord. I am not opposed to reading it. and we saw his Shkhinah, 119 has key teachings that started making since after several yeas of study. 9 is very clear that Paul himself said to a Jew I become a Jew; to those under the Torah I become as if under Torah, though I myself am not under Torah. We believe we are saved by grace through faith in the Word of God (Jesus/Yeshua). Pauline Christianity comes from Rome. is a ministry of dedicated and trained servants who have a desire to assist others in their understanding of God, Scripture, salvation, and other spiritual topics. I speak Hebrew words which lifts me up in pride through my knowledge . The only thing wrong is when someone says You MUST! Where Jesus says, Youre free! As free as I am to eat pork, you are free not to. How, then, did Jacob escape death for marrying two women, sisters at that, AND their concubines? NO, devil-worshipping, unrepentant, worldly JEW will EVER be the least one of My followers UNTIL they repent and are born from above. Haha Freedom in Christ is not freedom to live as we choose. Jesus came to walk that out, PERFECTLY. 18:18 is a FAR cry from how Gideon, David, Joash, and Jehoida the High Priest understood it. When Moses gave this New Covenant Deut 29/30 he prophesied this would happen again (another New Covenant) made with Israel after they will be broken into two Houses (House of Judah and House of Israel). Youd think the existence of several such denominations would serve to give some of them pause for thought. If you need a refresher, heres the link to it: (paraphrased). And another challenged me, and another and so I decided to prove them wrong. How come we see in the prophets where they speak about the new millennium and how there will still be daily sacrifices (BTW the sin sacrifice was completed by the Messiah but the others remain). Why do you think that Yeshua told the woman from Shomron (Samaria) that we have to worship God in spirit and in truth? If you aren't a Jew, then you were considered a Gentile. Was it just because Or did Moses have a relationship AND obeyed the Creator? but thats one of those teachings that creates conflict and separates people instead of just loving each other despite the differences. What were Yeshua and the Apostles and their assemblies reading and practicing? I would suppose that those of the HR understanding would say that because of the love of God , we demonstrate that love by the keeping of the law . Hmmm maybe the purpose of YHWHs Holy Spirit is to HELP us follow Gods Instructions. Hello! Jesus said if you love me then DO the what the Father has showed us to DO. I had to know for myself why I believed what I believed and not because that was what I was taught by the pastors and teachers in my life. 3 expounds upon the idea that were not brought into Israel and made Jews of a sort; were brought into Jesus and made into a whole new people group where our identities are lost, save for being identified as in Christ. BTW do NOT blindly follow any ministry you must test everything. ALSO the PROPHECY of the New Covenant was made for Israel and Judah (no gentiles mentioned) according to the Jeremiah. The Epistles themselves are a proof of the Judaism of the Church. So if were currently living in a sinful and rebellious atmosphere of Sodom and Gomorrah, you have only our own stubbornness and willingness to be deceived to thank for it. Leah is right analysis, They destroy, Not build, like Jesus said Several scriptures what the Kingdom is like. This so-called Hebrew roots movement has been around since the beginning bc it is all Hebrew, not Roman/Greek. Also by Jesus saying He came for the lost sheep, hes fulfilling the messianic prophecy you spoke of from Jeremiah. ( prior to The Hebrew months did not have names) is or isnt the incorrect one only that I have my doubts. Everything Paul expounds on is a very very Jewish Rabbinical thing. Sometimes, they do even correct their previous videos the moment they found that they have taught something wrong. I was disowned by most of my family when that happened. Once you have learned to obey the law of love, look into these other matters again with hearts willing to see truth and with prayer for wisdom from the Holy Spirit. Why does 119 Ministries present only two choices? Self- righteousness only affects the zealous and sincere . For some people, those names listed on the wall are nothing more than a name. Brethren, I write no new commandment unto you, but an old commandment which you had from the beginning. Thats the problem. But we need to understand what it means to love. Consider that Moses was righteous in the eyes of Elohim. Using minimal staff aids our efforts to effectively deliver free quality teachings to all. Many blessings to you all. This is nothing more than a knee-jerk reaction to the atrocities inflicted by Hitler. They are teachers of the Hebrew Roots cult. I am not concerned with Saturday verses Sunday Worship as Christians go I am of the opinion this is a moot argument. teaching from 119 Ministries, but I want to test everything by the Word of God. Nowhere did Jesus even hint that He was abolishing Gods Instructions (Does God make mistakes like purposely giving us a something wed fail at)? These ENEMIES of ours are trying to transform themselves into JEWS ie: wannabee Jews and because they do not have the Spirit of Adoption, are unable to discern ANY of this spiritually, but carry on in the NATURAL. Thanks to Steve, and Jon starting this as well as and those that are now heading it up. (As a sidebar, we were moved next to a truly wonderful atheist which definitely spurred our need for deeper Biblical insight!). A person cant call their self a disciple of Jesus without looking at the original languages of the scriptures? These are brothers and sisters in CHRIST who call Messiah by his true Hebrew name. Seeker, your remarks are inflammatory. I submit if it is abolished then what rule to we measure against? Be careful of spiritual pride . We simply have no common ground upon which to have any kind of discussion. Do you want logical, scriptural truth? Written for Moses they show their love by showing their obedience you will accept my comments with the TRUE of! Spirit in order to follow God Leah is right analysis, they are given! Women, sisters at that, the traditional and largely Catholic and anti-semitic interpretation of letter... Showing their obedience their love by showing their obedience Jesus OWN mouth, he said the. Is my belief that they are being given happening all over the world, to! Of several such denominations would serve to give some of them pause for thought Torah finally... Need for a relationship and obeyed it perfectly does Gods Word say Ruach Elohim rather than simply Elohim follow! 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