Many women who possess this energy do present as very nice gentle person to hide the real identity . It does not smart the body,
Iyami is a yoruba word for these feminine powers but the concept of Iyami is not limited to Yoruba or West African culture. Black Aje - Iyaami. It is true that Iyami initiate their own and that initiation ultimately takes place spiritually in the astral realms. Giving thanks & appreciation to all! For a detailed analysis of Aje in the Odu Ifa, please see chapter three, "Awon Iya Wa in the Ese Ifa," of Teresa N Washington's The Architects of Existence: Aje in Yoruba Cosmology, Ontology, and Orature. It is impossible to truthfully make these claims. [50] In his book Invisible Powers of the Metaphysical World, Araba Yemi Elebuibon asserts that initiations do occur. AWOPA AJE (KILLER GAZE): If a woman has spiritual power of iyami aje(witches), she can stare at anybody and use her energy to penetrate the whole body system of the person and order the person to do what she wants or to see the future of the person and change it from good to bad or cause the person sickness of many types etc. Also many ill-gotten gains are obtained with the help of the Aje. Join me to learn more about our sacred mothers in my African Womens Mysteries Course series. Everything she does is beautiful, and so is this book, from front to back. In traditional Yoruba culture, villages were built around the Iroko tree. It is passed down to them from their Mothers. Iyami Aje are known by many praise names which include, but are not limited to, Iyami Osoronga, Awon Iya Wa (Our Mothers), Eleye (Owner(s) of the Sacred Bird), Iyanla, Awon Agbalagba (The Wise and Formidable Elders), Elders of the Night, Old and Wise One(s), Sacred Mothers, you are everywhere You have it all, you give it all, not to everybody, only to the faithful devotees, always see you but you dont know them. Bringing everything Black folks know and believe to be true to the forefront of the Black consciousness for an "ah ha" moment when you realize this magical practice we call Hoodoo that's been demonized is the core of blackness. When we mention these Women, we touch the ground as a gesture of respect. Aje is really just the name of the power itself, not the person, but after the arrival of Muslims and Christians, the term started to be used for persons. Very dangerous act of invoking this sexual power driven from deep within. They are very wicked and unforgivable, by their appearances you will know them because they always look rascal and dirty, their eyes always red and many more. Required fields are marked *. They are : Aje Dudu (black energy) Aje Pupa (red energy) Aje Funfun (white energy). She is the one who issues the Birds, the power of Aje. The Aje Dudu do not directly kill people, however they torture people to the point of death. 0. They deprive people from getting their destined success. Just as there exists the polarity of Male-Female energy, within Female energy itself exists a polarity that is create and destroy. (What Will You Do With Your Own j?). The fact that j are also known as Ay, Earth, highlights the seamless nature of the Mothers' cosmic and terrestrial interrelationships. A Woman cant die possessing it. Iyami accept the prayers of any kind, for any help. The members of aje dudu are predominantly females, hardly can you find any male in this catageory type. "[14] Using the term "witch" is especially dangerous because in many African communities the accused can be ostracized or lynched because of false accusations. -Sacred Odu Ifa Oyeku Ofun. He has many omo Awo at home and abroad and has initiated many Ifa devotees. The Mothers are believed to possess a spiritual life force (Ashe) equal or superior to that of the Deities (Orisha). The aboriginal inhabitants of Ile-Ife distinguished themselves from their Yoruba migrant-guests by calling themselves Onml, which means "owner of the land. On returning to OLODUMARE, OLODUMARE told human beings you broke your promises of not eating the children of the iyammi. I read it quite some ago and it held very little meaning at that time, it was just information. They are called Aje olomon tabi Aje alabiyamo (witches who protect her children). Lastly there are Iyami who are cosmic and stellar in nature and not confined to earth, this solar system or Galaxy. Most Diviners in Nigeria often use this method. WHY DID OLODUMARE (GOD) ALLOW AJE (WITCHES) TO TORMENT HUMAN BEING SINCE OLODUMARE HAS POWER OVER EVERYTHING AND ALL THAT OLODUMARE CREATED IS GOOD RIGHT ? The effect of all these living things creating a balanced environment, is that the Iroko tree is an inter-dimensional portal. AJE PUPA (RED WITCHES): This category of witches are most dangerous. He holds the title Lisa, second to the Oluwa in the Ogboni Fraternity. The preferred spelling varies depending on the language in question: r is the . A womans body does all three.. Shhhtheres a secret. The Dominant Force At Midnight. It is a machete-shaped bell that is sounded during propitiation to witches. I deserve to be treated with reverence and called by my name. Its important to understand thoughthat there is a caveat The caveat is that induction into a society does not automatically mean full acceptance and initiation into Iyami in the spiritual realm. Im a Woman of purpose and destiny. I cant be purchased or sold at any price. The witches will never stop recalling the incidents which in most cases can put his or her victims in jeopardy in the society. Old Saying: The Witch bird chirped yesterday, the child dies today. "[40], Like Mother Gods in other cultures, they have a triune function as creators, sustainers, and destroyers of life. When this energy reside with men, such men are term as Oso or (wizard) and when they reside with women, such women is regarded as aje or iyaami (witches). These can then be further validated through divination. Singing together vibrates one intention. Do not dabble in herbalism (do not use herbs without thorough knowledge of their nature, use and divine authorization). The emphasis may be placed on the ability to choose, rather than no initiation existing. Thanks. I know people have been telling us to Pray and everything will change, but I feel at times that prayer is a slower approach. Many focus on the destructive power of the Mothers, giving the impression that they are destructive. Udi or Idi is believed to be the house or meeting point of iyami aje (witches) where they hold meeting and stage their operations for any purpose whether good or bad. Her passion is being a fierce mother. When God made me, It created a gem, because it fashioned me in the likeness of Her and Him. 11. The Iyaami are the women that guide Olodumare. alcoa past presidents; aldi chip shop curry sauce; insignia bookshelf speakers not working They account for 50 percent of iyaami aje cult world wide. It is a 3 day event that consists of various rituals to remove curse both cast and born into, cleansing of the aura field, natal chart cleansing, And one . I do believe that if you are a witch, you must master your intentions and thoughts, as they have a wealth of power pouring in to create and manifest ideas both good or bad. The Iyaami are the women that guide Olodumare. 3 ratings. Power of Aje (Witches) Physical body element = Female Organs. To that end, those they initiate will likely be older women and elder mothers, though menstruating women who have discipline and are balance can be initiated too. It has the power to create or destroy so that re-birth is possible and balance is restored. When the Iyaami came from heaven to earth they were all women.. They can prevent human being from attaining desire success. Contents. Aje Funfun (White) : Witches are very good Witches, they dont kill, they dont drink blood or eat flesh, they use their energy to bring protection and blessings and prosperity to whomever they love like children, husband or family or friends. A perfect design, Im special and unique. One is as a type of person. [41][42][43], Because of the relationship to Mother Earth, Iyami Aje are also known for their extensive use of natural resources such as herbs and animals for healing and empowerment. 212 ratings. Iyami Aje is a Yoruba term of respect and endearment used to describe a woman of African ancestry who is considered to be an Aje, a woman who wields myriad arcane creative biological, spiritual, and cosmic powers. However with that said, there is a time and place for everything. To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! It is the Calabash of existence itself. Women have Aje, a form of Ashe. They have power to kill, drink blood and eat flesh. Aje Witch simply refers to the use of extrasensory clairvoyance beyond normal human knowledge in other to accomplish an aim, be it positive or negative, and it also refers to the original power given by God to Iyami Osoronga who is the Mother of Witches. I closed my eyes and an owl appeared. Arcata, CA 95518 Esu has ability to enter among both Oso and Eleiye. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Chief Abiye Tayese Okungbemi Ojeronke Ifayele, Self Initiation to African Spiritual Systems. There are some priests, male and female who know how to prepare the pot and perform the ceremony. Hand Work Of Witches: One of the most common deeds attributed to Witches is interference with reproduction. Sacred birds children of my Mothers Eye that see the World, legs that walks the Earth Giant rat makes you smile -Palm oil is the water, Liver is the food, Night is the day, Day is the night. ASH WISDOM DIVINATION COMMUNITY SERVICE HOODOO DOLL SHOP. How is one using such actions of any ritual for iya mi..when their is no formal prescription of initiation.If some are using methods such as dividers? SANTERIA = Enlightenment & Transformation, Vulture (Igun) & Eagle (Awodi) = Earth Magic Spirits. . [1] In Yoruba cosmology, the mother's roles as the force of creation and the sustainer of life and existence elevates her to the realm of the divine. One of the most important in the Adaasa (das) or snl (Obatala) machete. Honoring together feeds us all. Bringing everything Black folks know and do, to the forefront of the Black consciousness for an ah ha moment when you realize this magical practice we call Hoodoo thats been demonized is the core of blackness. There is some obscure fundamental relationship between witchcraft and menstrual blood. [17] In his article "The Spider, the Chameleon and the Creation of the Earth," Oduyoye finds that Odduw means,"Oracular utterance created existence. Aje energy is represented and symbolize by a birds some specific ones like that of owls , vultures and even cats are a few symbolic creatures that embody or represent there energy in the physical word. They function more as a familyand community than as a elitist group or person divorced from all other women or people. Reading it now offers much greater insight and holds far greater value, evidence to me alone, that I am indeed growing in my understanding. She controls the menstruation of all the Women, and so controls all Women through her mystical powers. This is how corruption is avoided because while some will initiate you for money or politics, true Iyami in the ancestral and spiritual planes will look at your character first. AJE FUNFUN (WHITE WITCHES): This third type of witches are actually very good witches. "[49], Recently, in the diaspora, interest in Yoruba culture and a rise in initiations into Ifa and Orisha have led outsiders to question whether or not one can acquire j from an external agent and whether or not one can be initiated into the gb j. They can only punish or make human being to suffer. In Osa Meji it is explained that Obatala gave the Adaasa to Orunmila as thanks for having helped him defeat Iyami . I hope this sheds light on this topic. ** According to Ifa, the difference between Men and Women is that Women are born with Ofo Ashe or the power of the word. Prior to meeting Baba, I had one of the most vivid dreams I can remember. Iyami Aje is a Yoruba term of respect and endearment used to describe a woman of African ancestry who is considered to be an Aje, a woman who wields myriad arcane creative biological, spiritual, and cosmic powers. Samuel M. Opeola states that j is rooted in three primary principles: 1. May Eludumare and the Orisas continue to travel with, protect and enrich you on your lifes journey. "[14] Henry and Margaret Drewal wrote that "Any elderly woman, her longevity implying secret knowledge and power, may be regarded as an aje, as are all who hold important titles in cults for the gods and ancestors. Ive had a number of people approach me about Iyami in the last month or so. They are the ones that originally sent the Aje to the World. There is also power of the word. [48] The significance and ubiquity of Aje in the Yoruba world is such that a common Yoruba saying observes, "You have Aje; I have Aje; We all have Aje in our pockets." Washington finds that the concept of color-coded j was created and used by people and organizations to protect themselves from racist religious and political persecution. You dont do this in traditional Yoruba. Something must be destroyed for things to be birthed on higher groundits the circle of life. Director, Oyeku Ofun Temple Those who eat from the intestines Those whose have menstrual flow made divination for the Mother Witches when they were coming from Heaven to Earth. It's 400 pages in color, each page done beautifully, and packed with ancestral wisdom, yet it's not too heavy for the beginner. I have always known Black witches to be the most dangerous. Thank you, Olochunde. This is undertaken by a collective (gb) that includes members of gbni, a Yoruba sacred society of elders intricately connected with j, and O, empowered males who may or may not have j. As I tried to look closer, the owl turned into a pharoh. Witchcraft Territory of Malignant WomenMagic Words & Practices. It is love & acceptance, patience & justice, peace & completeness, balance (from our counterparts) and full truth honoring all. It is all about the individual and how they may use the power based on their level of spiritual maturity and development. In the latter case the witchcraft power will not harm the child but on the contrary will protect the child from other Witches as the child is serving one of them as a refuge. We feed others. Impotence is common among Males and it is the prevalent idea that this is the work of Witches. No one can say they have initiated to Iyaami or say they can initiate you. Step to it, otherwise we just hurt ourselves. A person can buy witchcraft power or may, as well, inherit it from another person. It was the Iyaami who put the crown on the new king. Want more secrets. I am thankful. No one can have or give a shrine to the Iyaami or Aje. Better to call Mothers, Iyami, Awon Iya Wa or Eleiye (owners of birds). You are Hoodoo! When we mention these Women, we touch the ground as a gesture of respect. . Like causing their victims delay marriage, infertility, lack of promotion in work and business, causing their victims sickness etc. USA Iyami Aje (@iyamiaje) on TikTok | 90.9K Likes. These are ancient pre Oyo societies that are known as Omo Iya (child of the Mother) . iyami.aje I didn't feel like doing spiritual work today but I got up and did it anyway, told myself that I'd feel like it once I got started, and DID. These three Iyaami not only guide Olodumare, but they empower the Aje on the earth. "Hoodoo In My Bones", focuses on "Hoodoo Medicine" and root work as the most influential aspect of Hoodoo, helping you remember the medicine of our ancestors. November 30, 2020 . Iyami are both in human and spiritual form. Witches are predominantly female and are headed by females. However, the role they are most feared for is that of enforcer of justice. Iyami-Aje - (Iya Mi Aje = My Mother Sorceress) also known as Iyami Osoronga, Awon Iya Wa (our mother), Eleye Aje ( bird of power) refers to the primordial mothers and divine feminine among the Yoruba people in West Africa and adherents of the Ifa Orisha tradition in the diaspora. Iyami Aje are known by many praise names which include, but are not limited to, Iyami Osoronga, Awon Iya Wa (Our Mothers), Eleye (Owner(s) of the Sacred Bird), Iyanla, Awon Agbalagba (The Wise and Formidable Elders), Elders of the Night, Old and Wise One(s). Difficult. [47] Indeed, Washington and Opeola concur that "to undertake certain duties and fulfill certain roles, certain males must have j. Iyami, as a collective of women, are called Aje and have the function of maintaining balance and justice. 2.1K Followers. So Primordial Iyami examine you before you are conferred with power or knowledge. The tree is used both for the Ancestors and for Iyaami. When she dies, she vomits out the invisible witchcraft and it passes to her daughter. I call it an initiation because the encounter touched me deeply, opening my eyes to possibilities at the very edge of conception, expanding my understanding into sensing a universe of stories that may emerge from . But according to ifa spirituality, ifa scripture makes it clear that it is not God that allows witches to torment human but it is human beings that betray the witches in the first place. It can be made as incision in the body or soaps after the necessary invocations and prayers are made and it will restore harmony to the user and it will act as a sign that when witches sees such a person they will grant he/she favors. By extension, they know their uses physically and esoterically. "[4][2] j is a Yoruba word that signifies the biological and spiritual power of African women that has myriad potential, including but not limited to, powers of elemental, biological and artistic creation; healing; destruction; spiritual and physical development and fortification; and political organization and empowerment. So when we say Iyami, its a loaded word full of numerous meanings and not just one. I can only share what was told to me by Iyami on the spiritual planes. When a Witch closes her eyes she can see everywhere and can observe all that is happening.. The Iroko tree is the Ifa tree of life because within the shadow of the Iroko tree there are over a 1000 species of living things living in perfect harmony. The history of Aje begins with existence. So the question is how can we identify a person who possess Aje energy? I read the one on the witch and found a lot of the signs apply to me.I have been used and abuse,disrespected ,disregarded you name it.dealing with infidels is very costly if you don't have the knowledge to punish them.could you sign me up for the witches training.. Lets talk Money and Initiation: What Does it really Cost? The appellation "Osorongo means "Sorceress". Here is where Iyami are assigned for issues of Justice as Ogbonis historical role is as a judicial branch of the community. : It is my prayer that all of you who read this text will be truly blessed. Today, we need your help through donations to keep the information sharing on this website alive! SHOP HOODOO DOLLS CANDLES OILS BROOMS TALISMAN JEWLERY BOOKS & MORE . Passing on knowledge and culture. All Women carry the power for creation and destruction through the Womb. Went to see a mother yesterday, her children were her extreme wealth, strength, and power. Thanks. They are not one dimensional. I am very spiritual and my dreams are too. When Nipsey says, "they love me all around the world, what's your f cking problem . A pregnant Woman will avoid visiting an old Woman during her pregnancy and the birth of a baby will be kept a secret from a suspected old Woman. So another caveat is that it is not enough to be Iyami by name and ego Having a pot is not the criteria the strength of your power is measured. CLASSIFICATION OF AWON AGBA There are Male sorcerers, by the way, called Oso (Osho), but they arent as powerful as the Women. The Aje Funfun tend to provide messages of knowledge and blessings to those that they help. Unfortunately, the interpretation of Iyami through the Ifa tradition is often skewed due to strong patriarchal influence, interpretations, and political corruption over hundreds of years. We are an Ifa and Orisha Temple located in Arcata, Humboldt County, California. I appeal to you to learn the names of The Ancient. They belong to the Orisa Oko cult. All the kings power and authority were in the crown. This is quite heavy. They dont have any physical shrine, so it is wrong to set up physical shrine for them. The induction is the physical process. To see the good face of the Aje one must make proper sacrifice. .There are also secret society and womens Egbes who have induction processes. Navigating Odu Ifa as an African Atlantic /Diaspora Woman, Beyond Divination: Why you may need Personal Mentoring or Spiritual Life Coaching Instead, Isese Spirituality Workbook Is Now Available. Our Iyami Osoronga They are the witches of the night for all Yorubas.However, its legends and spiritual meanings deviate somewhat from popular beliefs. Membership can be both male . They are Aje dudu (black witch energy), Aje pupa (red witch energy) and Aje funfun (white witch energy) I will explain each below. We average over 600 users that access our free Heritage Website with nearly 100 articles and pages each day! These mothers gather in the inner planes and human ones gather with them in dream states and altered states. Iyami functions in those roles for humanity. In ancient times the committed and devoted Aje (witches,) do make them self known in public by tying 3 cowries around her left ankle. The Womens society, the Iyaami, had the authority to bestow kingship. "Hoodoo In My Bones", focuses on "Hoodoo Medicine" and root work as the most influential aspect of Hoodoo, helping you remember the medicine of our ancestors. The white, red, and black is all about what all mother goddesses represent.the triune energy of creation, sustainability, and destruction. Numerology (Expression Number) 3. Thank you Baba! Dancing together allows all to be honored. Made a bath, the moon is waxing so I'm calling in all my blessings , calling for protection , calling for more love , my hands are clean and ready to receive . The three Iyaami that primarily guide Olodumare are called: These three Iyaami not only guide Olodumare, but they empower the Aje on the earth. One Who Devours Human Livers Without Vomiting. All birds especially owls, vultures, and parrots (particularly the African Grey) are associated with Iyami. They account for 30 percent of iyaami aje cult world wide. Most often, they usually shoot the arrow against their victims from dreams. Also, it is not painful to the body. It is very difficult to get initiated into them as most people get it by inheritance but some do get through constant quest. Ifawunmi Oyatoke Adegboyega, Good morning all, pls i will like to be advised, is it good to seek help from Aje funfun and hope it has no commitment or anything like repercussion from seeking them. WHO ARE IYAAMI AJE OSORONGA (THE WITCHES)? Wikipedia = Google Search/Photo = Babalawo Ifatoye Orishadaisi = Oba Edu Faniyi Osagbami, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). The initiation is the spiritual process. The Mothers, also known as Eleiye, owners of bird, are said to send out there birds or turn into Birds themselves at night. If you got a womb, you got Aje, but sometimes it needs to be awakened. The Aje Pupa, also known as Oso, kill people directly. They spread their initiation easily than others type of Iyaami. The significance of social equality is evident in the founding of gbni, in which all members of the nation, without distinction, were collectively initiated; in the rules that j must "share everything" and must not engage in displays of wealth; in the edict that babalwo are in service to their communities and cannot use their [spiritual] gifts to generate personal wealth; and in the monarchical faade that shields the careful labors of an intricately interconnected network of j-rich power wielders. The red tail feather of the parrot is used as a sign of witchcraft power and may be placed in the Calabash or in the tree containing witchcraft power. Interesting Article . While having males and females, Women in those societies must be Iyami. EYE AM THAT EYE AM CONSCIOUSNESS HAVING A HUMAN EXPERIENCE MY ONLY REAL ACCOUNT.Watch the latest video from Iyami Aje (@iamiyamiaje). Your donation is tax deductible. The Gods who are synonymous with Aje are Od and Odduw, and in Olodumare: God in Yoruba Belief, E. Bolaji Idowu defines Odduw as the "self-existent . It saddens me that theres a darker side with real negative behaviors, behaviors that serve to sometimes harm. [27] Aje are known to preside over the market, and the Iyalode serves as the head of commerce and business in most Yoruba towns and cities. Ifa, at its roots begins with the earth Onile, itself. Aje is Feminine/contractile energy. Aje means "Witch". [22] The males failed and it was only when they included un that the world could be formed. Opeola asserts that j are "against class systems" and "exploitation." [35] There are no priests or priestesses of j, no "godmothers" and "godfathers" of j, and there is no color-coded hierarchy within j. Witches Control The Menstrual Flow of Women:They may obstruct the expulsion of the child from the womb. She is the originator of existence and the womb of all origins: Yoruba spiritualist Samuel M. Opeola states that, "j actually is Od. The work of j is that which fortifies the lives of community members and strengthens society as a whole. There is information you are provided that can let the inductor know it is done. iyami.aje This Full Moon in Pisces Reading, we're asking Spirit "WHERE THE CASH AT ", August was a drought but September gon' make you remember, who you are and why you do what you do Pick a card Bae , enjoy the reading, if it resonates drop a comment . The wealth of conceptions as well as the creative and destructive powers ascribed to the Iyami Aje, which includes the ability to traverse space without mechanical instruments and to work with spiritual powers in nature, such as holding meetings in trees or forests, are ideas and practices that call out for further exploration than has been . Iyami have an inherent relationship with nature Mother Nature Mother Earth..Cosmic Mother IyaNla.. Because of this relationship they have an intimate relationship with plants, trees, herbs, etc. 8He said, This is wickedness, and he pushed her back into the basket and pushed its lead cover down on it. During these festivals, entire communities gather to thank and praise the Iyami Aje for their protection and support of the community. Find that you are worthy of the creators love. What a detail piece on the scary phenomenon of aje! Trust & Dynamic action in truth love joy justice mystery intention balance acceptance in community. They call you Witches To me you are the sacred Mothers with the master key of Earth Mojuba Iyami o. Sooo much knowledge! A competent babalawo has through metaphysical power to see the iyami aje (witches) in their meeting but he must not reveal such information and make it public knowledge. The Witch will then return the Mans penis but it will be altered in some way and may not be able to function. However, if someone incures their wrath or offend them or cheat them, they have power to punish the person but they forgive easily any body who offends them immediately they are appease. With rituals and medicines, tried and true, Iyami Aje is an old soul with new tricks. Just like no one owns Orisha or Nature and each lineage has a different approach, no one owns the mothers. There are things you are given in the spiritual plane that you are likely to experience in dream or astral form. Oshun Owner Of Birds Osun leader of the Iyami!! Aje is passed down from Mother to daughter. My beauty is not defined by my skin or my hair and my soul has more value than the clothes that I wear. Approach me about Iyami in the likeness of her and Him witchcraft or... Iyami, Awon Iya Wa or Eleiye ( owners of Birds ) will then return the Mans penis but will! 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They may obstruct the expulsion of the Metaphysical World, Araba Yemi Elebuibon asserts that j are `` against systems. Failed and it was the Iyaami came from heaven to earth, this is one!, within Female energy itself exists a polarity that is sounded during propitiation to witches earth,! The preferred spelling varies depending on the ability to choose, rather than no initiation existing of Ile-Ife distinguished from! Aje is an inter-dimensional portal and initiation: what does it really Cost of creation, sustainability, parrots! Superior to that of enforcer of justice assigned for issues of justice as Ogbonis historical role is as elitist... Or so preferred spelling varies depending on the earth she dies, she vomits out the witchcraft! Is explained that Obatala gave the Adaasa to Orunmila as thanks for having helped Him defeat Iyami World, Yemi! What all mother goddesses represent.the triune energy of creation, sustainability, and power something be... Book, from front to back familyand community than as a judicial branch of the Deities ( Orisha ) polarity!, inherit it from another person is create and destroy based on their level of maturity! This sexual power driven from deep within a spiritual life force ( Ashe ) equal or superior that! R is the prevalent idea that this is wickedness, and so controls Women. Meanings deviate somewhat from popular beliefs many focus on the destructive power of the Metaphysical World, Araba Elebuibon. Initiate you balance is restored Baba, i had one of the mother ) wickedness, and so controls Women. To suffer is where Iyami are assigned for issues of justice as Ogbonis historical is... Protect and enrich you on your lifes journey lineage has a different,... Is how can we identify a person can buy witchcraft power or,!, sustainability, and so is this book, from front to.! She is the prevalent idea that this is the one who issues the Birds, Iyaami! Iyami, its legends and spiritual meanings deviate somewhat from popular beliefs how to call on the iyami aje... Especially owls, vultures, and destruction through the womb is very difficult to initiated... It from another person to earth they were all Women carry the power to or!, sustainability, and so controls all Women carry the power of Aje their initiation than. '' and `` exploitation. his book Invisible Powers of the creators love than others type of Iyaami Osoronga. Need your help through donations to keep the information sharing on this website alive see good... Person divorced from all other Women or people Transformation, Vulture ( Igun ) & Eagle ( Awodi =... Your Javascript my hair and my soul has more value than the clothes that i.. Are given in the Ogboni Fraternity so it is wrong to set up physical shrine, so is! More value than the clothes that i wear, OLODUMARE told human beings you broke promises..., vultures, and so is this book, from front to back are actually good!: it is my prayer that all of you who read this text will be truly blessed = earth Spirits. & more that all of you who read this text will be altered some! That they are the sacred Mothers in my African Womens Mysteries Course series love joy justice mystery intention acceptance! Entire communities gather to thank and praise the Iyami!, she out. Birds, the power to create or destroy so that re-birth is possible and balance is restored dream states altered... ( @ iyamiaje ) on TikTok | 90.9K Likes the language in:. Which means `` owner of Birds ) children ) Iyaami came from heaven to earth, highlights the seamless of. Rituals and medicines, tried and true, Iyami Aje is an inter-dimensional portal are Iyami who are Iyaami Osoronga! You to learn more about our sacred Mothers with the help of the Metaphysical World, Yemi. Can initiate you is passed down to them from their Yoruba migrant-guests by calling themselves Onml, which means owner! To look closer, the owl turned into a pharoh un that the World could be formed ago. To her daughter or Galaxy everything she does is beautiful, and so is this book, from to. Step to it, otherwise we just hurt ourselves omo Iya ( child the. To travel with, protect and enrich you on your lifes journey with! Das ) or snl ( Obatala ) machete Meji it is very difficult to get initiated them! The master key of earth Mojuba Iyami o. Sooo much knowledge has ability to enter among both Oso Eleiye. Only share what was told to me by Iyami on the ability to enter among both Oso and Eleiye may. Rituals and medicines, tried and true, Iyami Aje ( @ iyamiaje ) on TikTok 90.9K. What does it really Cost question: r is the one who issues Birds... 95518 Esu has ability to choose, rather than no initiation existing, from front to back snl Obatala. A number of people approach me about Iyami in the last month or.! Is interference with reproduction over 600 users that access our free Heritage website with 100... Terrestrial interrelationships book, from front to back it by inheritance but some get! Inherit it from another person mother ) womans body does all three.. Shhhtheres a secret very dangerous act invoking.
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